12.07.2014 (3731 days ago)

Beer and Brains

Beer and Brains
3731 days ago 10 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

Heartland Brewery was under fire last week for a slogan attached to one of its beers, which was a dark Bavarian.  The theme of the beer was S & M, and the label (see photo) was a woman with a whip standing over a submissive man.  Whether you like that image or not, it is supposed to be a good beer.


The controversy was over the advertising of this beer, which said you will be "a slave to the flavor."  Some accused Heartland Brewery (the company, not the beer) of being tasteless, and even rascist.  The company countered by noting that the phrase has to do with the S&M theme on the label, not with racial slavery.


Most tweets on the subject were supportive of the company but there was some harsh criticism.  What do you think?  I have my own opinion of this but will let others weigh in.


On an another matter, I read in the news that Texas has lost 100 brains.  That is odd.  I thought there would have been more.

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