05.14.2015 (3588 days ago)

Becoming Real

Becoming Real
3588 days ago 4 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

I recently received an email from an art gallery which, for some reason, keeps me on its email list. The email announced the birth of a second child to one of the gallery. The email was replete with pictures of the happy family and newborn baby.
I was reminded of a friend who told me that he got his wife to go to baseball games by talking about the players as real people -- families, etc. As his wife became interested in the players as real people, she started going to games.
I find that becoming “real” is important to building strong relationships. In old days, I'd say “get to know the person behind the suit and tie.
But is Facebook taking this a bit too far? I am not on Facebook.
Gotham is all about getting to know people and developing relationships.  It is about becoming “real”.

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