Fred Klein
Counsel, Tarter Krinsky & Drogin LLP 1350 Broadway, 11th floor
02.07.2025 (27 days ago)


27 days ago 30 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

I have had a beard since 2011 and on and off before then.  

The most compelling reason therefor is the luxury of not having to shave each morning. In my curly haired case, shaving was probably more daunting than for others.  

Call me lazy or practical, I'm one satisfied non shaver!

Not only does my beard add stress free minutes to my day, but, obviously, it masks the ravages of time (no matter how gray, white or silver).  

In fact, being in Key West, I am considering letting it grow out in preparation for the annual Hemingway look alike contest.  

For whatever the reason, I strongly suggest you try it, as I know you will like it (once you pass the initial itchy stage)!

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A most impressive number of below the line comments! We are checking to see if it is a record. If so, it won't surprise us at the Commission.

Posted By : Comment Counting Commissioner

I don't think it's a good look for me !!:)

Posted By : Ginny

I don't think it's a good look for me !!:)

Posted By : Ginny

You have a good shot at winning the contest.

Posted By : michael

I love my beard. My internal battle I have is that my pest techs are supposed to have a goatee or less since we have to wear respirators from time to time. I feel like a hypocrite but enforcing the policy but with my position I technically can have one. But also told my team I am the only fumigator and will never put my self in danger over facial hair.

Plus side also helps keep me warmer in the winter.

Posted By : Matthew Nowak

It is a difficult and daunting idea to agree to try something you know you will fail at. Beard growing is not in my future but it looks good on you.

Posted By : Marilyn Price

I've been fuzzy-faced on and off since my 30s. Partly out of preference, and partly because I can't grow a full beard, I tend to wear a more pruned style, so shaving can actually be more difficult than it would otherwise be. My first foray into facial hair came at the suggestion of someone I was dating. I went with the then-popular uniform-length "mouth surround" beard. Subsequently, I've favored some version of the Van Dyck - longish, curling mustache and pointy beard. I like to joke that it's my evil 17th century insides leaking out. Like Fred, I appreciate that this small addition blurs the impact of the heavy hand of time. It also gives me something to fidget with when I'm thinking.

Posted By : Steven Skyles-Mulligan