Fred Klein
Counsel, Tarter Krinsky & Drogin LLP 1350 Broadway, 11th floor
05.24.2024 (296 days ago)

Battle of the Bands

Battle of the Bands
296 days ago 24 comments Categories: Music Tags:

This past Sunday, Gotham and Jason Greenberg presented its 8th, the first in person since the pandemic, Battle of the Bands competition at Gothamite William Skody's Club Groove in the heart of Greenwich Village on fabled Macdougal Street.  

5 bands competed and, truth be told, I was not neutral, as I was pulling for Counterproductive: Ruby Klein, lead singer, Shawn Klein, lead guitar, back up vocals, Hudson Menzel, bass guitar and Julian Shafran, drum kit.  

Yes, the Klein members are my grandchildren and yes, all 4 grandparents were present to witness the precious moment and cheer them on.  I, for one, savored the quintessential Circle of Life experience!

No, they did not win, but, as the youngest band (ages 17, 16, 15 and 14, respectively) competing, they had a unique once in a lifetime experience of showing up and enthusiastically competing for a prize.  

Ruby captured the essence of the experience in her pre performance words:  "I'm feeling really nervous, but I'm excited!"

The winner was RitaSue Siegel's band Dave Achelis and 8 Ace! which came away with the $2000 First Prize and a Showcase opportunity at Skody's iconic Cafe Wha?

I wore my old Battle of the Bands tee shirt, as did committee member Shelley Simpson, to the approval of many in the crowd, and my plan is to have new tees (with the same Alex Klein logo) next year.

Battle of the Bands is one of the best things we do. And we sure do a whole lot.  

Rock on Gotham, Rock on!!!

PS:  Thanks to Norman Spizz, the BoB Committee, the sponsors and the competitors!

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Comments from Guests
Correction: The winning band was nominated by me, and led by my friend. It was not my band. It was, however, one of my first in-person gatherings, and alot of fun.

Posted By : RitaSue Siegel

Fabulous! Wish I could have attended! Sounds like an amazing event! Woohoo to the grandkids! High fives to the organizers!

Posted By : Monique Ruane