Fred Klein
Counsel, Tarter Krinsky & Drogin LLP 1350 Broadway, 11th floor
09.06.2024 (190 days ago)

Batting Practice

Batting Practice
190 days ago 21 comments Categories: Games Tags:

On Labor Day we hosted a family gathering and it was the perfect opportunity for Batting Practice.


Batting Practice is an athletic tradition shared by me, my son David and his son Jackson. 

We take a huge box of softballs, a heavy bat and our mitts to the local schoolyard where each of us takes their swings at the plate, another lobs it in and the third shags. 

I must admit to extreme pregame anxiety, as I considered all of my advancing physical maladies and what could go wrong. 

I'm happy to report it all went (fun filled) well and, cherry on the top, Jackson said I had "deteriorated" the least of we 3 boys since our last session :)

And then we feasted the tradition with an ample fun filled lunch at Ben's. 


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The perfect way to spend the day building memories with no strike outs!

Posted By : marilyn l price

That Jackson sounds like a very nice grandson.

Posted By : Joanne Celi