Fred Klein
Counsel, Tarter Krinsky & Drogin LLP 1350 Broadway, 11th floor
08.16.2019 (2024 days ago)


2024 days ago 25 comments Categories: City Blogs Tags:

Last Sunday we ventured into the city for our annual visit to the beautiful Guggenheim (see picture).

Summer in the city weekends present less hustle, bustle and traffic as we left early.  We zoomed into the city in about a half hour and quickly found a street spot before entering Wright’s beautiful creative edifice.  Who could resist a flurry of photos?

We walked up the art festooned ramps, viewing Maplethorpe, Nevelelson, Agnes Martin, Rauschenberg and Bacon amongst other artists as we climbed to the very top where there was a line to see the one time common street artist’s paean to fellow black artist Michael Stewart. My only complaint was there was not enough of Basquiat's work and the air conditioning was too cold.

All in all a great way to spend a half day in our amazing city!

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