Nancy Schess
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10.08.2018 (2344 days ago)

Baseball Memories

Baseball Memories
2344 days ago 7 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:


In this ongoing playoff season, I started to think about my own baseball memories. Growing up, my grandfather was the biggest baseball fan around me. When you think of favorite people in your life, he ranks very high.



He was a huge Mets fan. Whenever a game was on, you could find him planted in front of the television cheering on his team. Actually, cheering is one way to put it – loud coaching is another – yelling at the screen might be yet another. He definitely had thoughts for the players and coaches about how the game should be played.



Watching a game with him was fun. He was very much there with you – kind of like being at the ballpark except there was no place for him to go to buy us some food, maybe some ice cream or a big pretzel. He would talk about the plays and the players, his favorite games and lots of other things baseball and not baseball.



My grandfather was the sweetest most family minded person. To give you a sense of his soul, his parents both died when he was very young and he and his siblings were split up into different orphanages. When he was old enough, he found a job selling newspapers to support his siblings and claimed them one by one from the homes they were living in so that they could be together.



So now, fast forward to baseball with his grandchildren. I wish on everyone baseball memories like mine.

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