04.22.2021 (1407 days ago)

Baseball Caps

Baseball Caps
1407 days ago 4 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

It seems like a blog that must be written at least once a year. Baseball caps.
I put on my Mets hat and walked out the door of our small hotel in Alexandria, Virginia. As I embarked on our morning walk, I wondered whether my hat would garner attention or comment in the land of the Mets National League rivals - the Nationals. I wasn’t even a block into the walk when a voice called out “You have the wrong hat on.” The voice emerged from behind the fence and the smile revealed a friendly rivalry followed by a nice conversation about the still very early baseball season.
Later in the walk, I got a thumbs up from a gentleman wearing an old Brooklyn Dodgers hat. He was very impressed when I identified the “B” on his hat as a Brooklyn — not a Boston —“B”.
But the inevitable was yet to come. A woman in a grey Nationals cap — with its distinctive cursive “W” — glared at me. I turned and explained to her that I was waiting for my kids - who live in D.C. and have become fans of the local team - to get me a Nats hat; however I was concerned because the classic Nats hat is bright red and I couldn’t bring myself to wearing a bright red baseball cap. I was waiting for one in grey- just like hers. She understood and smiled as we walked on.

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