Fred Klein
Counsel, Tarter Krinsky & Drogin LLP 1350 Broadway, 11th floor
03.12.2021 (1466 days ago)


1466 days ago 24 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

We are at a loss as to understand why Charcoal barks at some passing dogs and not others.  Charcoal

She’s a little dog, but she packs a wallop barking loudly indiscriminately at big dogs and small dogs as they pass.  Though not all dogs!

Yes, she is territorial and she’s watching over us, but I can only imagine what the neighbors think.


Is it the sex of the target dogs or something else?

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AxelFoley has a Gallery of Nemeses. Small, large, light and dark. It’s a crap shoot. He’ll also bark from the porch at strangers walking too close, by his standards, to the house. The neighbors know to greet him with a cheerful “Hi, AxelFoley!” for safe passage. As for what causes barking agita with certain dogs, he’s never explained to me.

Spartacus out.

Posted By : George Crawley