Fred Klein
Counsel, Tarter Krinsky & Drogin LLP 1350 Broadway, 11th floor
01.15.2021 (1521 days ago)

Banned By Facebook

Banned By Facebook
1521 days ago 38 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

I have made up a game which I play on Facebook.  I post interesting, but obscure, photographs of celebrities or sports figures and my Facebook friends guess as to identity. 

If and when a person guesses correctly, I award a colorful Bingo! It’s participatory fun!

Last week I posted a mid 20th century photograph of Norman Rockwell painting Marilyn Monroe and was shocked when it was banned by Facebook, as being against their “community standards.”

The disputed picture is posted above. What could be more Norman Rockwell than Norman Rockwell himself?

I quickly appealed my ban and within about an hour it was reversed. Give Facebook credit, they did say “we are sorry we got it wrong.“

I’m sure there’s a lesson here, but it escapes me. Please help me make sense of it!

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