Nancy Schess
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09.07.2020 (1645 days ago)

Back to School

Back to School
1645 days ago 11 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

What a difference a year makes.

I always loved the start of the school year. Even now, as an adult, in early September I find myself buying new notebooks and pens. The beginning of each school year always felt like the first step of a new adventure with all sorts of surprises in store.

Well, part of that is still true. This school year is certainly a new adventure with surprises in store but this time also great trepidation and worry.

Many of us have children heading back to school – from nursery through college and beyond. I do not know a parent that has not struggled with how to make the right decision. Do we send our children to school? Keep them home? Wrap them in a bubble? Of course, given the state of the world right now there just is not enough information to decide. So, we are all forced to make what we hope is the best of awful choices.

I know that teachers are struggling too. Overwhelmingly, the teachers I know are committed professionals who want to teach their students. They are also scared.

So, I just wanted to wish everyone a safe and productive start to a new school year. This will certainly be a year we will all remember.


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