Carly Bentley
Freckled Strawberry Fields Forever
10.07.2020 (1620 days ago)

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1620 days ago 5 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

After a long summer filled with sweet treats, hot eats and endless glasses of wine, it’s time to clean up my diet. Every October, I push the reset button on my food choices and dial everything down. Exercise daily, bedtimes that provide 7-8 hours, balanced schedules of work and play, makes for a healthy, wealthy life. Fundamentals give us a baseline with which to return; a compass on the beaten path to guide us. These same principles can be applied to every space in our lives. It’s easy to get off balance when life’s demands knock us on our heels, but we can always shed the chaos by pushing the rest button. What is your go-to, in order to reset your life?

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