Corey Bearak
making a difference in people's lives
08.20.2017 (2756 days ago)

Back-to-Back Baseball Games

Back-to-Back Baseball Games
2756 days ago 14 comments Categories: Games Tags:Baseball Citifield, Mets, Yankees

The week past I ran two different group outings on successive days to Citifield. Both teams on the field represented New York.


The first eve, we also raised some money for a Foundation I served as President for a two-year stint.


The second eve, for this networking group, I connected some folks who might benefit from the introduction.


I enjoyed both games, despite my team losing both games; a rarity for this ultra-competitive sports enthusiast.


Dining out last night with three other couples who attended the first game, I mused whether it might be better to run both outings on the same eve next time (Of course I received no advisory on 2018 as of this writing, even though one of the two gets billed as an annual outing.).


Perhaps knowing how depleted my team entered their two home games at Citifield – including with my current fave player out those games – numbed me somewhat to the outcomes. I always argue that lineups (“batting orders”) make a difference but missing a key link in that lineup often makes a bigger difference (Perhaps a blog for another day?).



Bottom line, a good experience hanging with so many friends. I think I see myself doing it again.

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Posted By : hydrajet