10.19.2014 (3781 days ago)


3781 days ago 7 comments Categories: Health Tags:

Having nothing to do one afternoon, my son Max and I went to see Annabelle.  I have always been a fan of horror movies.  There are basically three kinds.  Monster movies, movies where young people are ripped or shredded to pieces, or movies about demons and the devil.  For me that last catergory is by far the scariest.

Just the other night I was watching the Conjuring downstairs in my basement in the dark and alone.  I had to turn it off.  My heart was pounding and I had to run upstairs.

Annabelle is a sequel to The Conjuring.  It ia about a young couple, she is pregnant, and he buys her a doll.  See the picture above?  That is the doll.  The young wife loves it, which is nuts because anyone who loves a doll that looks like that needs to be innoculated with something.  (But then we wouldn't have a scary movie, would we.)

Anyway, it turns out that Annabelle is based on a true story.  A woman bought a doll for her daughter in 1970, and it did not take long until the doll started moving around the house, even standing up.  Then it began to leave notes, including one that said "help me."    They contacted a medium who introduced them to the spirit of a young girl, Annabelle Higgins who had died as a young girl in the house.

Paranormal investigators, Ed and Lorraine Warren became involved.  They conducted an excorsism and removed the doll to their house.  Ultimately, after it escaped once, they locked the doll in a glass case in their basement, where it can still be seen.

You can visit their paranormal museum and see Annabelle.  But do not taunt her or treat her lightly.  A couple that did was killed on their way home in a motorcycle accident.

I don't know about you, but I am spooked and afraid.  If I ever visit the museum and see Annabelle, I do not intend to taunt her.   Not even sure I would look her in the eye.  You never know.

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