07.23.2015 (3517 days ago)

Auto Correct

Auto Correct
3517 days ago 5 comments Categories: Tech News Tags:

A recent email exchange makes me wonder about auto-correct.
Commenting upon a Gothamite attending a meeting, the email stated that “We always actuate her participation.”
Upon receiving the email, my intuitive ’auto correct misspell decipher’ recognized the unintended word immediately.
The sender also recognized the error and emailed that “Somehow the auto spell transposed appreciate wig actuate.”
My auto correct misspell decipher also recognized that “wig” was not the intended word.
Some of the auto corrections are simply hilarious. Others outright embarrassing. Thankfully, most of the time they are so clearly out of context that they are not misinterpreted with serious consequences.
I’ll go back and check the draft of this blog and make sure that its right before posting.

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