Mitch Tobol
I'm creating the next big idea...
04.08.2017 (2892 days ago)

Attention Span

Attention Span
2892 days ago 8 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

After reading and commenting on Fred's blog, a thought occurred to me. Did you know that the average human's attention span has decreased over the past few years?


According to a study by Microsoft Corporation, human attention span has supposedly dropped from 12 seconds in 2002 to only eight seconds in 2013.


Do you know what animal has a longer one? Goldfish. Their attention span is 9 seconds. But how do would we know that if we stop paying attention at 8?


Researchers suggested that changes in attention span could be due to the brain adapting to evolving technology. I wonder how else we are evolving. Maybe bigger thumbs from texting or flatter heads from bumping into things while we are on the phone.


In fact, you may not have made it this far...or did you :-)

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