Mitch Tobol
I'm creating the next big idea...
08.20.2016 (3124 days ago)

At what cost

At what cost
3124 days ago 10 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

I enjoy watching the Olympics. I'm always amazed at the dedication, drive and committment these athletes make to test their skills and athletic prowess once every four years. The sheer beauty of the venue, athletes and host country is truly spectacular.


However, as Real Sports with Bryant Gumbel reported on their recent show about the IOC and the effect hosting the Olympics has on a country, it's kind of like Robert Moses on Long Island....bulldozing anything in their way, even people. (It will be airing again on Tuesday August 23rd at 11P)


The ideals of the Olympics are not only noble but sorely needed in this world. Apparently the IOC demands and the country's implementation of them are not anywhere near those ideals. Brazil literally dragged people out of their homes to build the stadiums.


The billion dollar facilities in Greece are deteriorating while the country can't fulfill it's financial obligations. Russia used no safety controls while building it's winter games and as a result many migrant workers gave their lives. China's stadiums are maintained at great expense in treasure and blood, but they don't care. They want to showcase their regime in a positive light regardless of the cost and impact. In fact, the IOC just awarded the winter games to Beijing. An IOC member that was involved in making this selection said "We know China will create the perfect games."


It's a dazzling 4 year event that now, for me, has a hollow ring.

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