Fred Klein
Counsel, Tarter Krinsky & Drogin LLP 1350 Broadway, 11th floor
09.04.2015 (3481 days ago)

At A Loss for Words

At A Loss for Words
3481 days ago 20 comments Categories: Health Tags:

I was on such a roll: not having had a cold for over 2 years and then I came down with a dreaded Summer cold in mid July.

At this writing it has settled in my chest and I have lost my voice.

The mistake I made, according to Joanne, was that I didn't dial it back and give Nature a chance to cure me.  Rather, I continued to push my every day swimming streak, played crucial softball Playoff games every other day, frequented Gotham lunches and events, slavishly continuied with my trainer and went on and on with my grinding and denial.

Being one never at a loss for words, it was the loss of my voice which drove me to my doctor and Cipro.

Now I know the true meaning of "wet my whistle".

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