Corey Bearak
making a difference in people's lives
12.25.2022 (791 days ago)

As this day ends time to prepare to ring in the new year in song

As this day ends time to prepare to ring in the new year in song
791 days ago 8 comments Categories: Music Tags:New Year's Eve

In advance of the holiday season (as I did a few week's back) I devote an annual blog to a "Happy Holidays in Song" playlist; this year I often included in many emails I sent of late a p.s. with a link to that playlist. Of course the weekend preceding the advent of the new year, allows me to bring to the attention of my readers and others, "Songs to Ring in the New Year" -- still 27 videos on YouTube or 25 tunes in AppleMusic.  View the full list here with each song linked to its video. Best wishes this holiday season and for the new year.

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