Corey Bearak
making a difference in people's lives
10.03.2021 (1256 days ago)

A special day in the park

A special day in the park
1256 days ago 26 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

Last weekend it was Saturday in the Park; this past week the park theme continues but on Friday:  Our son got married Friday afternoon. In Central Park. The Shakespeare Garden


Our son and his bride met at NYU. Our Grad student Jonathan approached undergrad bride to be in Washington Square Park seven years ago. Though outdoors, the location (and the permit) limited the number of attendees. Rabbi Melissa Buyer-Witman of Temple Israel of the City of New York officiated.


Gotham played a role in this glorious affair. Scott Levine of Minuteman-Bellerose printed the invite designed by his associate, Fred Morante, also the Group Chair of Gotham Queens (aka “GQ”). Aaron Jackson’s Finest Chauffeurs provided our limo and driver (I brought Aaron, a long-time friend, into Gotham Towers.). Brett Deutsch, Group Coordinator /co-chair of Bandit, lent his talents as the photographer to provide enduring memories that beautiful day. In response to my Fredslist query, Phyllis Dubrow recommended a former member, Gabrielle Carlson, who created Shelly’s dress for the occasion; view the lovely outfit for the mom of the groom in the pics Shelly posted “ladies at the wedding.” My sister-in-law, Adrianne Wallace-Bearak took these pics. Or just view this pic of Shelly and the limo Gothamite Aaron provided:


Certainly, we all look forward to Brett’s pics.


Our grand niece, Eden Rose, expertly reprised a role her mom, Tara, undertook at our wedding, as the flower girl. Shelly had always envisioned her niece’s daughter in this role, if one of her children got married. It came to be!


The bide's family led by her parents, drove in from Pennsylvania.


I am looking forward to reviewing all the photos Brett took of this most memorable celebration.


Special kudos to daughter Marisa. The sister of the groom certainly qualifies for a second career as an event planner if she ever chooses.


This song Poco dedicated to The groom's parents in the summer of '84 in honor of their engagement.  His parents repurpose and dedicate to the groom and his lovely bride on the occasion of their marriage.

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