David Abeshouse
Occasional Musings
01.05.2013 (4432 days ago)

Artistic Shades of Gray

Artistic Shades of Gray
4432 days ago 5 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:


I am a fan of Joanne D. Klein’s artistry because it simultaneously makes sense to me, is attractive, geometrically intuitive, detailed yet ‘big picture’ so that macro and micro coexist, comforting, thought-provoking, and pleasing – it positively affects both my right and left brains.  That’s a lot for a work of art to do, particularly when it doesn’t rely upon the “crutch” of suffused color.  And it’s what I’d like to be able to do, if creating graphic art were my forte.


So I thoroughly enjoyed her show under the auspices of “Work@TheBryantLibrary” in Roslyn, NY this July and August (2012).  The exhibit featured a collection of representative works, each of which reflects several common threads (most prominently the aforementioned monochromatic shades) yet also is visually and experientially unique.  I found myself repeatedly moving back and forth to various distances from each piece, most of which appear quite different when viewed up close, at medium range, and further away.  As I have opined previously, I marvel at her sense and use of geometrics, of light and dark, of setting things in place, of texture, of juxtaposed subtle and overt changes, and perhaps most of all for me (a former classically trained professional musician), the visual equivalent of musical varieties on a theme.  To sample her work, But recognize that experiencing this medium online pales in comparison to seeing it in person.  Make it your business to attend her next show – you won’t be disappointed.

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