07.18.2013 (4252 days ago)

Art Cliff

Art Cliff
4252 days ago 5 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

The Art Cliff Diner is a popular breakfast and lunch place in Vineyard Haven on Martha's Vineyard. My Art Cliff cap has "1943" on the back. Inside the diner, it looks like it's been around for as long as the cap claims. Suffice it to say, that it's sometimes hard to get in -- especially if you get there too close to the 2 o'clock closing time.

Art Cliff has a nice porch. You can spend as much time waiting on the porch as at the table you finally get. (Maybe we always get there at the wrong time.) You meet nice people on that porch.

Last year, we were waiting on the porch speaking to a nice couple when we were called for our waiting table. It was a table for four. It was getting close to 2 o'clock. As we were being seated, I turned to Flo. She knew what was on my mind and nodded "Yes". So I invited Ellie and Rich to join us. It was a nice lunch. When we were leaving, Flo and Ellie exchanged phone numbers. A gesture.

Yesterday, Flo got a text message from Ellie, reminding us of our lunch a year ago at Art Cliff. Ellie and Rich are sailing around Martha's Vineyard are were wondering when we'd be back. It will be nice to see them.

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