Mitch Tobol
I'm creating the next big idea...
05.10.2014 (3948 days ago)

Are you social

Are you social
3948 days ago 7 comments Categories: Tech News Tags:

Roughly 80% of Americans have internet access and engage in social media. We post details about ourselves, share this information with friends and strangers, do research, and walk around with our head down looking at email, photos, and more.


A lot of people say that the online communities promote increased interaction with friends and family; offer teachers, librarians, and students valuable access to educational support and materials; facilitate social and political change; and disseminate useful information rapidly.


Others say that these sites prevent face-to-face communication; waste time on frivolous activity; alter children’s brains and behavior making them more prone to ADHD; expose users to predators like pedophiles and burglars; and spread false and potentially dangerous information.


How do you feel?

And If you think the opposition to social media is confined to this's really good.

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