05.04.2020 (1770 days ago)

Are You Under There?

Are You Under There?
1770 days ago 14 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:


I have been playing around with this blog idea for a few days now. The picture Fred posted on his blog on Friday made me “seal the deal.”


I realized several weeks ago that face masks are going to be a part of our lives for the immediate future. So, I ordered a few “stylish” masks for myself and my children. My husband is a medical professional and must use a hospital grade mask, so he did not want one of the stylish masks. My daughters wanted animal prints, tie-dye etc. My son only wanted black. Since I was ordering from someone who was donating a percentage of their profits, I ordered an animal print for myself as well as a few in different colors and prints so I could “switch it up.”


This past week I ventured out to my office to pick up some desperately needed files. As I knew there would be someone else in my office, I instinctively put on makeup for the first time in weeks, including lipstick. As I put my facial mask on, I realized that lipstick is not necessary in a masked world. No one would see the lipstick on my face and the lipstick might get on my mask.


After I left the office, I went to do some food shopping. In the supermarket I thought I saw someone I recognized so I instinctively smiled at them. I thought I erred when they did not respond in kind. But then I realized, they probably did not see me smile at them.


Life is different in a masked world. I am trying to make it fun with fun face masks. How are you adapting to a masked world?






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