03.21.2019 (2176 days ago)


2176 days ago 5 comments Categories: Tech News Tags:

Flo was curious. So she asked the first Millennial she saw — he happened to be a salesperson at a department store — what his favorite app for comparing air fares is.  
He immediately replied with the names of two apps on his phone.
I don’t have an app for comparing air fares but I have plenty of other apps on my iPhone. Though not as many as others have.
The apps I use most often are CNN and a banking app.
The coolest app is the one I have for creating my emoji.
The most helpful is Waze (although it has taken the excitement out of driving). I also find the one for buying gas very useful.
And the app that brings me the greatest pleasure is Duo which allows me to have face time with my granddaughter whose parents don’t have iPhones. (I don't think Facetime on my iPhone is technically an app. If it is, it is right there with Duo.)
And I am always looking for suggestions.

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