Mitch Tobol
I'm creating the next big idea...
09.13.2014 (3820 days ago)

Apple missed the boat

Apple missed the boat
3820 days ago 7 comments Categories: Tech News Tags:

Or did they...


Last Tuesday we witnessed the much anticipated launch of the iPhone 6 with bigger screens. Most people I talk to are preordering them. They even launched something unexpected...ApplePay. Now, once you've scanned your credit card into your iPhone, you'll be able to just point click and pay at participating retailes everywhere.


But that's not why I say they missed the boat. Apple introduced the AppleWatch. A very elegant device that can do everything your phone can plus much, much more. Very cool and it's only $349 ;) However when Tim Cook, the Pres., told us when it will be available he said early 2015 then moved on really quickly. How can you introduce something so cool and not have it available for this Christmas season?


Is this one of those Apple calculated moves? I don't think so. Tim moved on so fast from letting us know when it will be available you could tell he was a bit embarassed.


What do you think and are you buying an iPhone 6?

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