05.24.2018 (2468 days ago)

Apology Accepted?

Apology Accepted?
2468 days ago 8 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

I am following up on last week’s blog; the apology is made, but is it accepted?
The ball, as they say, is in the court of the person to whom the apology is made. (My legal training compels me to label this person the “apologee”.) It seems to me that the first threshold for the apologee is a judgment of whether the apology is sincere - and, therefore, should be accepted. This decision can create immediate problems for the fate of the apology.
Assuming we’re beyond the judgment, and moving forward, there are three ways to accept an apology: graciously, neutrally, or reluctantly.  
I suggest that two considerations drive the apologee’s reaction. First, a lingering remnant of the original judgment (see above) and, second, the future.
My suggestion is that it is always best to accept an apology graciously. You’ve gotten this far and, after all, isn’t it ultimately about closure?
Apology accepted.

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