Mitch Tobol
I'm creating the next big idea...
05.28.2022 (982 days ago)

Another one

Another one
982 days ago 3 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

I find myself heartbroken...again. 


The recent shootings in Texas and Buffalo leave me in a state of numbness. As listed in Wikipedia, there have been 9 mass shootings this year. The inaction by the Congress to enact a bill that would help, live in fear of a powerful lobby. (Frontlines examination of the NRA's power) If they had the courage, it would go a long way in preventing tragedies. Our country sees the most school shootings in the world. 


As written in the Constitution of the United States, “the right of the people to keep and bear Arms shall not be infringed”. However, this statement has become synonymous with American freedoms and culture. This has resulted in the ability for an 18 year old to purchase an automatic weapon with over 300 rounds of ammunition with no checks or questions. 


According to the 2018 Small Arms Survey, the U.S. has an estimated 393 million firearms in the country. With a population of roughly 329 million, that means there’s around 120 firearms per 100 people – nearly double the second-highest country in the world for firearms per capita.


I am sickened, outraged and find it difficult to understand the lack of political will to protect our citizens. 


My heart goes out to the families that are needlessly suffering.


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I completely feel your pain. My hurt aches for the families that have been affected by these horrific acts of violence. Innocent kids and people going about there day. Parents who send their kids to school not thinking this might be the last time they see them. This promised land we live in is full of so much hate. It’s extremely sad to think we need to walk in fear in the world we live in. I will not let fear rule but I will be kinder to those around me and find ways to serve and help others. If we all would try to be our brothers keeper this world would be a better world. If politicians would remember who they serve and what their constituents want there would be better gun laws. I am not against guns. I am against people who should not have guns being able to get guns so easily. As a law biting citizens I would have no problem waiting a couple days to get a gun if that is what is required.

Posted By : Lourdes Villanueva Hartrick