Mitch Tobol
I'm creating the next big idea...
10.27.2018 (2325 days ago)

Another lollipop?

Another lollipop?
2325 days ago 6 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

If one of my entreprenuer students came to me and said they wanted to make and sell a lollipop, I would be supportive of course but I would be thinking it's a crazy idea.

Zolli Pops


Well, it's not so crazy. Thanks to Alina Morse, an entrepreneurial eighth grader, we now have lollipops that help keep our teeth clean. Called Zollipops, they recently became the top-selling lollipops on Amazon (both in the sugar and sugar free categories), beating out Tootsie, Dum Dums, Blow Pop, and other major candy companies.


When she was just 9 (now 13), she wondered why sugar is so bad for your health after a visit to the bank with her Dad. Being a responsible father, he didn't want her to take the free lollipop. After she did a little investigating, Morse decided to create a healthier candy—and apparently, consumers are eating it up.


Zolli sells lollipops, drops, and taffy in a variety of flavors, all made with the cavity-fighting erythritol and xylitol. For people with different food restrictions or allergies, Morse's candies cover all the bases and are essentially everyone-approved. They’re gluten-free, non-GMO, vegan, dairy-free, organic, kosher, and they contain only plant-based dyes and natural flavors.


Morse became the youngest person to ever appear on the cover of Entrepreneur magazine as part of a feature about young millionaires.


What's next? A pizza that helps you lose weight?

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