Brene Brown is voice worth hearing.
This is what it says on her website:
"The official line: I’m a research professor at the University of Houston where I hold the Huffington Endowed Chair. I’ve spent the past sixteen years studying courage, vulnerability, empathy, and shame. I’m the author of four books: The Gifts of Imperfection, Daring Greatly, Rising Strong, And Braving the Wilderness.
The bottom line: I believe that vulnerability – the willingness to be “all in” even when you know it can mean failing and hurting – is brave. I do NOT believe that cussing and praying are mutually exclusive. And, I absolutely believe that the passing lane is for passing only."
She gave a brilliant moving talk on 01/21/18 at the National Cathderal in Washington, DC.
I looked for a transcript of this smart, inspiring talk.
I couldn't find one.
Here's the link: Watch