08.22.2016 (3108 days ago)

Another Engagement

Another Engagement
3108 days ago 7 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

This week I am again thinking about engagements. Probably because my step-daughter, Danielle,  got engaged on Saturday. Once that happens it’s difficult to think about anything other than the engagement.


Danielle’s engagement led me to think about how couples meet. I met my husband, Philip, through our younger children, Ryan and Sydney. Ryan and Sydney attended nursery school together. As such, I knew his former wife, Randy, but I did not know him very well.  Randy died when Ryan was in third grade, thirteen years after being diagnosed with a brain tumor. Knowing that Philip worked Saturday mornings I offered to watch Ryan on Saturday mornings. While I was trying to do a good deed and help out a now single parent, I have to admit that it also was a help for me. Having Ryan over Saturday mornings kept Sydney occupied so I could get things done around the house.



As Philip and I like to say, over time Ryan and Sydney’s playdates extended into all day playdates which began to include us. Breakfast playdates for the children extended into lunch with their parents and eventually to dinner.  We now have been married almost twelve years and Ryan and Sydney are  brother and sister, and more importantly, best friends.


As Corey mentioned yesterday, two of our bloggers married their high school sweet hearts. How did you meet your significant other?



Congratulations to Danielle and Mike!!! We love you both very much.

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