Mitch Tobol
I'm creating the next big idea...
03.11.2017 (2917 days ago)

Anger and opinions

Anger and opinions
2917 days ago 10 comments Categories: Politics Tags:

There are a lot of angry people in this country today. Unfortunately anger gets distorted. Handling it without destroying relationships is a skill that many of us need to learn.


Here's a true story that illustrates what I mean..."One [of a therapist's] clients voted for Donald Trump for president, and the client’s daughter, who is gay, took her father’s decision really hard. She felt personally hurt and angry by her father’s support of Trump. Because of that, they didn’t talk for weeks after the election.


But then they had a series of conversations where they came to a better understanding.


The dad came to understand why his daughter felt threatened by Trump and his party’s opinions on the LGBTQ community. The daughter was able to better understand how her father’s decision to vote for Trump didn’t mean he doesn’t support her."


We need to listen without taking it personally. Everyone has a right to their opinion.

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