Carly Bentley
Freckled Strawberry Fields Forever
07.17.2019 (2050 days ago)

And the winner is?

And the winner is?
2050 days ago 6 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

The puppy’s name is: Redford, the Lil Red Dog, also known as “Red”. Fondly remembering, Clifford, the Big red dog Naming rights belong to my dear friend, Josh Zinder. Josh reminded me of my chain gang of animals. SLIM the rescue, my son’s cat SKIM and now “RED” the lil red dog. What sealed the deal? Funniest thing happened, when I took “red” to the vet Monday, I heard the vet tech say...”put the REDHEADS in room 2”. I realized they were talking about ME and my PUPPY! #redheads Thank you for all the suggestions and thank you Josh!!

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