Nancy Schess
Looking forward to connecting with you!
10.23.2017 (2693 days ago)

And Your Name Is . . . ?

And Your Name Is . . . ?
2693 days ago 6 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:


As we are all out there happily networking, we meet so many new people.  That is part of the fun, and the challenge.  The idea is to try to remember as many names as possible as you meet new friends in your travels.

We have all been there.  You show up to an event and someone comes across the room with their hand out and your name on their lips. You are scrambling in your head to try to remember where you have met this person before.

But calling someone by their name, to me, is one of the highest compliments you can bestow.  It means that you remembered them.

So, knowing that everyone suffers from not being able to remember every person’s name that we meet along the way, and taking as a given that in our hearts we really want to, what are your tricks to make sure you remember someone's name?  Or, on the flip side, what do you do when you don't?

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