Nancy Schess
Looking forward to connecting with you!
06.13.2022 (994 days ago)

And They Grow

And They Grow
994 days ago 4 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

I have had occasion recently to hang out with some young adults – who I first knew as young children.  You know, those kids your kids grew up with, played baseball, dance competitions, trick or treating.  You get it.


I keep having that “I blinked” experience.   Each of these terrifically impressive young professionals was just a minute ago trying to figure out how to carry everything through the door in first grade.


I’ve told my children at various points in their lives to literally stop and take a snapshot in their minds of something or someplace momentous.  As my son was about to go out on the stage at Carnegie Hall for the first time, I told him to take that picture his view of the audience as he walked on stage with his chorus mates.  He looked at me like I literally had two heads.  


I feel like I should be taking that snapshot now to slow down the blinking.

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