Nancy Schess
Looking forward to connecting with you!
06.07.2021 (1377 days ago)

And So It Begins

And So It Begins
1377 days ago 16 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:


We are beach people. Just getting to the beach and spending a few hours listening to the soft sounds of the water makes a world of difference.

A few years ago, we found a quiet beach just north of where we live. Until then we had been driving to the south shore of Long Island which we quickly learned was an investment of an entire day. Don’t get me wrong, the south shore beaches are glorious but we learned, inconvenient.

When we found this small beach, we knew we had struck gold (so to speak). A fifteen minute drive and then 20 steps from the car and you are planted.

So, when Sunday afternoon came along and half the day had already passed, we could still say “let’s go to the beach!” and make it happen.

If you are looking for just a little bit of time to relax, this could just do the trick. After the year we have had, we are very much looking forward to beach time!

See you there Gotham friends!

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