Nancy Schess
Looking forward to connecting with you!
08.31.2015 (3478 days ago)


3478 days ago 9 comments Categories: Food Blogs Tags:


Even the most gastronomically adventurous among us dislikes something.

I consider myself very middle of the road when it comes to food. Don’t get me wrong, I have been heard to say many times “It’s all about the food” (Remember the golf invitation this year?). But I am not particularly adventurous. Compared to other members of my family, however, I am an absolute food explorer.

I was thinking recently about what food I dislike so much that I would literally walk away from the table. The answer, anchovies. If I order a caesar salad and it arrives with those grey, slimy slivers across the top, my meal is finished.

What is your most disliked food?

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Posted By : Boris