Corey Bearak
making a difference in people's lives

An august week for the Bearak offspring.

An august week for the Bearak offspring.
1314 days ago 14 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:Marisa Bearak, Jonathan Bearak, Guttmacher Institute, AJC/NY, Demography, Duke University Press

This is the blog Friday’s blogger pressed me to draft and post last week. I argued let the net “facts” occur first. In fact, I get to tout not only my newly promoted daughter but my son who shared word of a recent study getting issued last week in print.


Last Monday, our daughter, Marisa, started her new gig at the New York Region of American Jewish Committee (AJC) as Assistant Director of AJC New York. This policy and advocacy professional now oversees government affairs and legislative outreach as well as interreligious/intergroup advocacy for this non-profit agency.  In her role, Marisa cultivates and stewards relationships with key elected officials at the local, state and federal levels as well as with ethnic and faith leaders across New York to combat antisemitism and all forms of hate, strengthen Israel's place in the world, and promote pluralism and defend democratic values for all people.  Marisa received her bachelor's degree from SUNY Purchase in 2010 and is currently studying toward obtaining a master's degree in Global Studies and International Relations with a concentration in Conflict Resolution and a regional focus on the Middle East through Northeastern University. Marisa makes Mom and Dad very proud.


Thursday evening, our son Jonathan texted his parents news that his study published on line in the prestigious journal Demography came out in print via Duke University Press. I tweeted our pride as part of a retweet of my May tweet about the study’s original release. Jonathan lead-authored the study on the impacts of birth planning, “Does the Impact of Motherhood on Women’s Employment and Wages Differ for Women who Plan Their Transition into Motherhood?Dr. Bearak gave his parent another proud parent moment.

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