Nancy Schess
Looking forward to connecting with you!
05.18.2015 (3533 days ago)

An X-Box Siesta

An X-Box Siesta
3533 days ago 8 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:


As a fifteen year old boy, my son could spend literally all day in front of that game console. It calls his name. Truth be told, there has been more than one conflict in our house in an effort to limit the amount of time he spends engaged with that machine.

A few days ago, Eric turned the machine off, packed up the games (no easy feat), and moved the console from its regular resting place. Why, you ask? Instead of gaming providing endless hours of joy, it had started to become a frustration. He has talked for a long time about seeing the need to limit his gaming. Taking a break now seemed to be as good a time as any.

Congratulations Eric on taking this major step forward. Looking forward to gaming with moderation in the future but for now, let’s enjoy the quiet.

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