Nancy Schess
Looking forward to connecting with you!
09.07.2015 (3471 days ago)

An Office Uniform

An Office Uniform
3471 days ago 7 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:


I saw a news report that I thought was interesting.

Some women in corporate America are starting a new trend. Instead of applying their creativity each morning to putting together their best and most diverse outfit, they are saving that creativity for application during the workday. Instead, their work wardrobe now consists of five identical, or nearly identical, outfits. Sort of like a school uniform.

The women interviewed said that they were energized, indeed liberated, by not having to decide each day what to wear. And, interestingly, each woman also said that their personal decision had started an office trend.

I’m not sure I could really completely buy into this approach, but I did go looking for a new black suit this weekend.

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