Fred Klein
Counsel, Tarter Krinsky & Drogin LLP 1350 Broadway, 11th floor
12.01.2023 (461 days ago)

Alternative Realities

Alternative Realities
461 days ago 24 comments Categories: Health Tags:

One of my favorite mantras is "Up is down and down is up".  You know, what was once bad for you is now "the cure" and so on and so on...

Well, my granddaughter Maggie has taken the concept to a wonderful creative and positive extreme.  
She presently has a showing of her Art work at Roslyn's Bryant Library where she reveals:

I am working to express the discrepancies within my brain when I am on and off ADHD medication.

Through my two bodies of work, I  am working to abstractly portray two different "selves": Medicated vs. un-medicated.

Maggie is pictured with her free flowing un-medicated Art, while her medicated Art is stark and straight.  The contrast is palpable, like 2 sides of a coin, and the concept's vivid depiction is visually brilliant!

Hats off to Maggie for recognizing and channeling her very human alternative realities in a most positive manner!

Are you blessed with (or beleaguered by) alternative realities?

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