Nancy Schess
Looking forward to connecting with you!
03.04.2019 (2196 days ago)

Ahhh, Snow

Ahhh, Snow
2196 days ago 6 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:


I can’t believe I just said that . . .

It’s been a less than white winter. We have seen so little snow in New York this season that it seems to be a kind of low snow record. We have seen so little snow that school districts across the city jumped to close for a snow day.

So, when the forecast predicted a bit of a storm Sunday night into Monday, I was kind of excited. We settled in Sunday night watching for the snowflakes to start falling. It had felt like snow all day. And then they began.

Morning’s light proved the forecasters to be well, close to right. There was snow outside our window – not anything close to what we expected -- but enough to bring out the snowblower for the first time this year.

Not that I’m asking for another storm before the arrival of spring – but I did kind of enjoy the picture this morning.

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