Nancy Schess
Looking forward to connecting with you!
08.29.2023 (559 days ago)

Aging and Care

Aging and Care
559 days ago 7 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

Here is my question for our Gotham family today.


My grandmother lived until just past her100th birthday.  Pretty amazing.  


My mom always believed that once you pass a certain age, the medical profession just stops trying as hard.  [Feel free to ask me which age fit my mom’s theory.]  She was always concerned that something fixable would be missed by attributing an ailment to “that’s the age.”  


Mom’s solution was to lie about my grandmother’s age to every doctor they saw together. In reality, when my grandmother was 97, it hardly seemed to make a difference when mom said she was 93.


Now I am watching some medical providers behave in a way towards my mom that feels awfully familiar of the observation she flagged so many years ago for my grandmother.  Certainly not all, but enough that I fear I am noticing  a trend.


Anyone want to brave an opinion here?  Do you agree with my mom’s theory?

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