Fred Klein
Counsel, Tarter Krinsky & Drogin LLP 1350 Broadway, 11th floor
12.17.2021 (1184 days ago)


1184 days ago 26 comments Categories: Holidays Tags:

The best word to describe the afterglow generated by last week’s annual Holiday Party is the Yiddish word Kvell, which I jokingly described as a “Legal term” during the party, but is more accurately defined as “to be extraordinarily pleased; to be bursting with pride, as over one’s family.”

So many operative/descriptive words:

I was extraordinarily pleased with the acts of Giving and the uniform genuine appreciative reactions of all the Award and Foundation Grant recipients!  

Yes, I was bursting with Pride as to what Gotham has become and does!

And most of all, on We Are Family. Truly!

Season of Giving Grant recipient Jeff Lewis (CoChair of our new “Hot Spot” Westchester Group) said it best:

I’m ecstatic to receive this [$3000] check. Gotham is a wonderful organization filled with caring people. I teared up when I saw Bob Formica on the video. Bob was the ultimate Gotham member. A truly remarkable person who cared for everyone and never complained about his personal difficulties. 

Thank you Fred and Nancy. You have created something special through [25] years of blood, swear and tears. 

I am so happy to be a “veteran” of Gotham. 

Well said Jeffrey!!!

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