Corey Bearak
making a difference in people's lives
12.20.2020 (1544 days ago)

After the snow

After the snow
1544 days ago 14 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:Snow

(Saturday’s blogger’s commentary yesterday in part inspired this musing about the aftermath of the recent snowfall.)

Friday’s blogger texted me yesterday to call; I called his cell.  His talented artist wife picked up and explained he was shoveling his driveway.  When he called back, I admonished him for the exertion; I related the story of Grandpa Sol’s brother Julie and his ill-fated attempt to dig out his cab (Think something like the pic above left.) after a 1960s storm. I share that story a lot and I recall it every time I take up a snow shovel; it shapes my approach to snow removal; I prefer frequent sweeps and light shoveling rather than waiting for a snowfall to end.  Unfortunately, that could not occur this time.  My response to the last snow involved spacing out the removal. Cleared the sidewalk for the safety of passersby Thursday.  Cleared a path to street and to my driverside front door on Friday.  Yesterday, I cleared the “flag” between my sidewalk and curb to allow access to the rear of my blue car, moved it forward, shoveled a path to the street, cleared behind the car, moved the car back all the way and with no vehicle impeding access to curb, easily cleared enough of the Sanitation Department nearly two-feet high snow mound to allow me to pull out the car.  I never clear the snow into street; yes, it’s illegal but I always found it in bad taste.  Instead I pile the snow around my tree between the curb and sidewalk.  There may be some “cosmetic” work tomorrow and perhaps further work to free up our white car up the block but with nowhere to really go during these times, we may let nature help a bit there.

Last night, I finished Peter Frampton’s bio, Do You Feel Like I Do, so thinking of wanting some warmth and more ambient light (a phrase that comes to mind a lot advising folks opposing a skyscraper not permitted under existing zoning that would cast a show against schools classroom and a community park), I pulled up I Wanna Go to the Sun (the studio version found on “Something’s Happening” as opposed to the version familiar to most and found on Frampton Comes Alive).  A nice contretemps to all that snow.

P.S. Since this blogs fall on her special day, a very happy birthday to a very special young lady.

P.P.S.  As I sign off most emails this time of year.  Best wishes this holiday season and for the New Year.  Happy Holidays In Song.

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