Fred Klein
Counsel, Tarter Krinsky & Drogin LLP 1350 Broadway, 11th floor
06.05.2015 (3572 days ago)

Aches and Pains

Aches and Pains
3572 days ago 18 comments Categories: Health Tags:

I am a lifetime athlete: who played Soccer in college, finished 33 (26.2 mile marathons), ran 3000 miles per year for over a decade, ran at least 2 miles for 620 straight days, completed triathlons, competed in countless road races, survived three 24 Hour Relay races, swam 170 straight days, recently planked for 10 minutes and continue to pitch for the Gotham Batmen softball team.  

Lifetime, I have run for over 55,000 miles (over twice around the World) and like to say "If I was a car I would trade me in!"

As a result, I suffer lots of aches and pains. For the aches I seek help. With pain I have a special relationship. I seek to endure it, as I know that pain is part and parcel of the deal. The question is, what you will do with it and how well you will do so?

I don't know about masochism, but I do know about mind over matter and tricking your body to endure.  Quitting is easy, enduring is something else. One learns a lot about one's self while enduring and not quitting.

Aches and pains are Nature's way of letting you know you are alive!

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