Corey Bearak
making a difference in people's lives
03.17.2024 (361 days ago)

Access restored

Access restored
361 days ago 9 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

Two weeks ago yesterday on my way back from bringing in dinner, I notice fallen tree branches on my sidewalk.  Blocking it.  I moved them against the tree pit and which extends about 12 feet.  The larger of the two fallen branch still block access from the curb/street as it extends about 20 feet.  Shelly took this picture

Fallen Branches

and I submitted it as part of complaint via the City's 311 system on NYC.Gov.

We were both concerned that the branches could have caused serious injury or much worse if either struck someone.  There was no sign of damage to our "White car" -- thankfully.

The Confirmation Summary stated:

"The Department of Parks and Recreation usually requires 4 days to inspect branches that have fallen on streets or sidewalks. If warranted, the issue will be resolved in 10 days. All other locations will be inspected in 8 days and may take up to 45 days to resolve. Please note your Service Request number for future reference."

Well two weeks later it remains.  Evidently the "get stuff done" administration incredulously marked the matter closed.  It seems they focus on the tree from which the branches fell rather than the branches depicted above.

So finally with some time set aside -- readers here likely know what keeps me busy outside of my professional commitments, I set up at the curb and cut up the two branches (See the pic upper left.) for what I left for next weekend.

Meanwhile access to the street returns.

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