Fred Klein
Counsel, Tarter Krinsky & Drogin LLP 1350 Broadway, 11th floor
06.08.2018 (2464 days ago)

Aaron Power

Aaron Power
2464 days ago 14 comments Categories: Games Tags:

The name Aaron is a most significant one in history.

Aaron was the older brother of Moses and his partner in all of his accomplishments.

In Hebrew the meaning of Aaron is lofty; exalted; high mountain.

The second name (first until recently) in all of baseball history in the baseball encyclopedia is Hank Aaron, one of the very greatest players ever to play the game.

In this context it is significant that my New York Yankees have three Aarons on their team.  They are led by manager Aaron Boone and have Aaron Hicks in center field and my very favorite Aaron Judge in right field.

Thus, it is not surprising that their position in the American League standings is lofty, exalted and, to most, a high mountain to reach.

You could call it Aaron power!

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