Mitch Tobol
I'm creating the next big idea...
09.09.2023 (548 days ago)

AI in the classroom

AI in the classroom
548 days ago 14 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

Because of the explosion of AI, educators have to rethink how they’ll teach courses this fall from Writing 101 to computer science. As an.educator myself, I want to embrace the technology’s potential to teach and learn in new ways. The issue is when you have to assess students, there's a need to “ChatGPT-proof” test questions and assignments.


Could this mean a return to paper exams? Some professors will be requiring students to show editing history and drafts to prove their thought process. Other instructors are less concerned. Some students have always found ways to cheat, they say, and this is just the latest option.


I'm not sure what I will be doing. Maybe teaching them how to properly use AI :-)



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