Mitch Tobol
I'm creating the next big idea...
08.05.2017 (2774 days ago)

A vending machine that's a little fishy

A vending machine that's a little fishy
2774 days ago 5 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

Chalk this one up to the French. They are starting to offer fresh oysters from vending machines...yes, fresh oysters.


Tony Berthelot, an oyster farmer is offering a range of quantities, types and sizes of live oyesters 24 hours a day, seven days a week on the Ile de Re island off France's western coast.


The refrigerated dispenser, one of the first and with glass panels so customers can see what they are buying, is similar to those that offer snacks and drinks at railway stations and office buildings worldwide.


The Oyster Vending Machine


What initiated this wild idea is Tony's feeling that he was "losing lots of sales when we are closed" and apparently people are buying.


What's next...lobsters? I just hope there are no blackouts on the island.


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